Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Baby= Happy Mommy!

When you wake up in the morning & realize you didn't get up once during the night two things run through your mind 1. Is my baby okay!? And 2. Holy crap I got a full 8 hour of sleep (or more). My baby is 8 weeks old and has been sleeping from 7pm to 7am, sometimes it will change from time to time. The first month has been great with cuddle time and lovings! Now is the time to get them on a schedule.

Establishing a schedule is huge! What may work for one baby may not work for another! After reading blog after blog and different baby aps, this is what works best for us! So by all means switch it up! 

Day & Night:
Teaching your newborn the difference between day and night makes a huge difference at bed time and at nap time. During nap time go about your daily routine, where at night keep the house quite and dim the lights. If we don't go anywhere I still try to change her into "day" clothes so she knows we're ready to start the day! Soon enough they will know the difference!

Nighttime routine:
Ours is simple- 
Bath: I use soap every other day so it doesn't dry out her skin.
Fresh diaper: The diaper is huge, once your baby is able to go longer stretches between eating you don't want a overfilled diaper to be the one thing to wake them up. I love every type of diaper from Luvs to Huggies. Just make sure you have a diaper that is extra absorbent!!!
Clean P.J.'s
Swaddle: I still swaddle my 8 week old but each baby is different! 
Bottle: make sure they finish the entire bottle!!!
Bedtime :) 

So many people and articles say try not to rock your baby to sleep because they will expect that every time there ready to go to bed or even nap. Try to put your loved one down while there sleepy but still awake, this way they learn to fall asleep on their own! 

When you hold them every minute of the day it becomes second nature, and will expect to be held ALL the time (and you won't be able to get anything done). During the day I don't hold my daughter as much and let her play on her play mat, she's more content and helps with her development! 

As long as you keep the same routine around the same time it will give your baby security and know what to expect! Believe me your sleepless nights will come to an end (eventually).

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